Both played at the FNX Clambake tonight. While I appreciate the surf theme, I really don't have much to say.
What is worth talking about is Silversun Pickups. At one point Brian Aubert pointed out the full crowd of fans on Lansdowne street was completely free of 'douche-bagery'. He was pretty much right on. The crownd was into the show and pretty cool. More importantly, the band pulled off a show reminiscent of the best Smashing Pumpkins....but without the douche-bagery. So it seemed like everyone was in sync. 'You get up there and kill it on stage and we will love you for it'.
Not surprisingly, highlights included "Common Reactor", "Future Foe Scenarios", "Kissing Families", "Panic Switch" and the opener "Growing Old is Getting Old". Highlights also included a mixed up set that didn't seemed predesigned to maximize public appeal, returning for an encore/second set by walking across Lansdowne in full view of the crowd, completely leaving the stage and the street to the sound of their own feedback.
That show was great! Silversun Pickups were already on their way to being one of my favorites of today, and this show solidified their spot at the top. Seeing the set next to Fenway, with the Pru in the background at dusk was very cool indeed!